The big question: "Do I need to pay?"

"No" is the simple answer. Anybody can sign up to any of the games that Triden offers, and access the fantastic community, along with the advice and support they provide.

Benefits for Triden supporters:

  • For Players: there is early signup access to the Resident DM schedule of one shots every month as well access to fully featured compendiums in both D&D Beyond and Roll20. Check out the calendar of upcoming games.
  • For DMs: there is access to adventure modules as well as maps, art, music and more to help you run awesome games!
  • For Writers: there is access to guides, templates, advice from experienced authors, map making asset licences, unlimited MidJourney art creation with expert support, access to stock art from Dean Spencer, access to pro-cartography, and even a whole wildspace with pre-built lore to set your adventures in if you wish. Check out what we're doing in the Tridenverse!

Triden is able to share resources with its members because they are contributing to the purchase. As an LLP and by paying careful attention to the usage licenses we make sure we stay completely legal!

Sign up on Patreon for additional benefits!

The tiers shown below are only a summary - check out full details on Patreon!

Triden Games Benefits